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Olde Candler Hospital Morgue Tunnel in Savannah, Georgia

The very first hospital in Georgia was the Candler Hospital, built in Savannah back in 1804. One of the most well known ghost stories in Savannah relates to the giant ‘Candler Oak’ that sits on the property.

It is also known as ‘The Hanging Tree’ and many people have reported seeing apparitions hanging by their necks from the branches.

However, in terms of being one of the most haunted places in Georgia, well that honour goes not to the hanging tree, but to the old morgue tunnel that runs all the way from Candler Hospital to Forsyth Park.

Back in the day, this tunnel would have been used to transport, store and discreetly dispose of bodies during the yellow fever epidemics. It is really no wonder that the tunnel is now believed to be haunted.

Those brave enough to go down there have come back with a wide variety of creepy tales including strange orbs of light and many different apparitions appearing all along the length of the tunnel.

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