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North West Middle School - Charlotte,North Carolina

It is said that the school is haunted by a ghost of a girl named Sadie from the 1950's. They say that she spent a lot of time at the school because her Father was a mean drunk and always beat her. One afternoon, she came home late and her Father came after her and she took off down the street. Since she felt safe at the school, she tried to go there, but while crossing the street in front of the school, she got hit by a car and died. They say since she felt safe at the school, her spirit stayed in the school.
You can hear banging on the pipes and desks will rattle and bathroom stall
doors will open and close by them selves. If you’re in the auditorium,
you can look back to the attic window where the projector is and you
can see something moving around up there. If you go by the stairs
leading to the attic, you get chills on the back of your neck as if to
warn you not to go up there.

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