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Bell Middle School - Milwaukee,Wisconsin

If you drive past Bell Middle School , you might see on the lawn of the school, a man walking with a black book bag. Whenever a car passes by and if the man hears the car, he'll stop, look on the side and down to the grass. Then, he'll continue walking. To recognize him, look for his dark black shirt, and his dark blue jeans. He has no shoes, or feet, just legs. He's totally bald and comes out after 9:00 usually. If you're lucky, he might be walking on the playground and he'll look up, then continue walking. One more thing - good luck finding him and report back if you spot him!

Marquette University - Milwaukee ,Wisconsin

Helfaer Theater - The Marquette Theater is haunted by a former Artistic Director who died in Studio 13. He mostly bangs around the catwalks, and sometimes people see him in the Studio.

Humphrey Hall - a student dormitory for Juniors and Seniors, Humphrey used to be the former Milwaukee children's hospital, and the basement was the morgue. Many children passed on in the building, and it is said several spirits still haunt the place today. Public Safety officers have reported seeing children on the camera monitors, and students have reported hearing singing, laughing, crying, and screaming as well as seeing the ghost of children.

Johnston Hall - which was the first building erected on the campus, a Jesuit priest (or it might have been two) threw themselves off the top floor, or the roof, and their spirits still haunt the building. Witnesses often get strange feelings whenever walking down a hall alone.

Mashuda Hall - In one of the dorms, a girl apparently committed suicide in one of the rooms years ago, and residents who lived in the room afterwards reported poltergeist activity: sounds, flying objects, and writing on the fogged-up window. However, a priest blessed the room and performed some kind of exorcism, and the activity ceased, and hasn't returned since.

Varsity Hall - a stagehand man was apparently smoking a cigarette while taking a break, and accidentally leaned into a huge metal fan, which killed him by cutting him into pieces.

The Rave - Eagles Club - Milwaukee ,Wisconsin

This building built in the late 20's was an all male athletic club. Many areas of the building are very cold even in the heat of summer. The ballroom has access to a door that leads to the dome maintenance room which also leads to the roof has many times been investigated by security after reports of someone throwing things off the roof. When investigated no one is found, when things like empty beer cups and ashtrays have been found below. The basement floor which houses access to the pool viewing porthole and also the boiler room, has a dirt floor that security doing a sweep of the building at closing time, have felt the strong urge to leave by a presence and feeling of coldness that is overwhelming, also accompanied by a strong odor of starch or bleach smell. It is said that after it was closed and reopened as a shelter, a man that ran it was abusive and very intolerable, to the young men that stayed there. His negative energy is felt and reports of his apparition and coldness in the pool area and in the boiler room. As far as his apparition is concerned, they were reported by bar staff accompanying the security during sweeps, they were most likely under the influence of alcohol at the time. A strong sense of negative energy is felt in all parts of the building. Always felt at night when the building closes. Strange noise like shuffling feet and loud bangs can be heard while sweeping the building fro people who may hideout after a show. It may be heard in one area and when looked into the noises are heard in the area that was just secured. Unexplainable feeling of negative energy exists in the building. There is also the ghost of a little girl at the Rave. A worker who worked there for a year or so, spent time in the coat check area in the basement. There are catacomb like hallways that run behind the coat check area. One night during a concert, they heard a little girl laughing coming from the rear hallway. When they got up to look, a wind blew through the room, and a feeling of dread came over them, and in an instant it was over.

South Milwaukee / Grant Park / Seven Bridges - Milwaukee ,Wisconsin

It has be rumored that if you go to Seven Bridges and walk the paths during a full moon between the times of 9:30pm and Midnight (Don't walk alone)you will see different colors of lights dancing around in the woods and if you go farther into the woods you would hear what sounds to be laughter and screams. If you are really quiet you can hear foot steps in the woods coming towards you and with those foot steps you can hear very heavy breathing, if you wait for those foot steps to come to you, you will feel a very uneasy feeling come over you like an evil feeling. It's said that adults and children have been killed there and even suicides from the people that did the killings. (WARNING! the park closes at 10:00pm, so don't park in the park after that time, park on a side street. If you get caught by police you will get ticketed). It's also rumored that if you stand on one of the bridges that a mist or an apparition of a person would happen right in front of you. The apparition could possible be one of the victims.