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Dartford Cemetery, Green Lake, Wisconsin

Dartford Cemetery looks very much like a garden, but appearances can be deceiving and this is one of the most haunted cemeteries in Wisconsin.

Perhaps the most well-known ghost that hangs out here is that of Chief Highknocker who apparently drowned in 1911 when he attempted to swim across a river while making his way to Green Lake, which was considered to be a sacred location by the Native Americans.

Another common sighting is soldiers from the Civil War era marching through the cemetery.

There have also been reports of a variety of other paranormal activity including shadow figures, unexplained sounds, orbs of light and one particular phenomenon which occurs when visitors sit on top of a mausoleum on the Southside of the cemetery.

Anyone who sits on top of this particular mausoleum is said to be pushed off of it by the ghost of a child who is buried there.

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