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St.Barnivus - Snow Hill,North Carolina

It is said that back in the 1800's a young girl and guy was in love, and the girl died of a disease. Then about 2 years later the young man died of a broken heart.
The graves are unmarked. It is said that if you run around the church
10 times you will see the girl on her knees in front of that guy’s
grave crying, and the young man standing behind her. If the young man
sees you he will chase you and he can run just as fast and just as slow
as you. No one has been brave enough to find out.


Anonymous said...

many people have tryed this and some people say they have but some others get charged for tresspassing

DirtyMistress99 said...

We ran around the church 10 times without a flash light and nothing happened. Not gonna lie I kinda wanted to see if something would happen.

Anonymous said...

I went out there to check out the church and cemetery. I did not know anything about the ghost stories, just heard that it was haunted. Shortly after dark I did see a shadow figure of a man standing beside a grave at the back of the church kind of to the side. The grave he was standing beside said Potter on it. He shook me up a little, but I did not feel threatened. He was there for about four seconds before he disappeared. I feel like he just wanted me to know that he was there.