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Types of Ghosts

Humans have been able to conquer and find answers to most of the mysteries of the world, but death remains unconquered. Although there have been many theories told about life after death, nothing has been clearly evident. The speculations over ghosts have been raving for a long time, but concrete evidence has not been found. According to believers, there are different types of ghosts, such as traditional apparitions, crisis apparitions, doppelgangers, and anniversary ghosts.

Traditional apparitions are ghosts that interact with human beings. This can be for good or for bad. These ghosts are said to hide objects, frighten people, throw objects or plea for help. These ghosts are said to be present because of unfinished work. This can be due to their death in untoward circumstances, and they generally seek human help to resolve the issue and progress into a different realm. These spirits are said to be “intelligent” yet haunting, as they appear to be aware of the people around them and their surroundings.

Crisis apparitions are ghosts who appear to inform someone about danger. They are solid or transparent by nature. Anniversary ghosts appear on the anniversary of their death caused by some tragic event. These ghosts are commonly found in haunted houses or castles, and often relate to legends of tragedies from centuries past.

Messenger ghosts, like banshees, appear to family members to herald the death of another family member. Poltergeists are noisy spirits who produce sounds like ""psychic explosions"" from a teenage boy or girl.

Speculations are believed to be the soul or spirit of humans who have passed on from this life. These are orb-shaped and have been seen by many. Some say these spirits have a separate life form and are undetectable to the human eye because of their finer tissue.

Although there has been a lot written about ghosts, nothing can be termed as reality. Scientists still believe that ghosts and spirits are something that has been born out of the fear of human.

Ghostly Facts

Ghosts want to be noticed.

Ghosts have no sense of passing time.

Often, they do not know that they are dead.

Sometimes they exist in a state of confusion, perhaps like being stuck in a dream.

Ghosts can smell things and love the smell of lemons.

Ghosts have a sense of humor and love to hear humans laugh.

Sometimes ghosts get bored with their surroundings

Most ghosts are happy, but some still cling to an emotional pain.

They can appear to the living in dreams.

They can leave behind certain scents, such as perfume.

They can make sounds that are audible.

They use their energies and ours to move things.

They are pranksters.

They usually appear as intense balls of light called orbs that are neon blue or violet.

Ghosts favor night due to the decrease in daytime energy use.

Ghosts may appear as mists or vapors.

A hooded black smoky figure is a dark entity and you should be careful around them. They usually appear at the foot of beds.

Some alleged hauntings are actually a "residue," which is a past event that replays itself over and over.

Certain places are portals or vortexes where ghosts transport themselves.

Hauntings are most intense around children entering puberty, as kids this age are emitting immense amounts of energy.

Ghosts can read your thoughts.

Ghosts retain all the memories and emotions of their lives.

Sometimes ghosts are trapped and need to be released. Let them know they can move on.

Noisy, troublesome ghosts are known as poltergeists.

Ghosts tend to be very temperamental.

If a spirit was a jerk while living, they will probably still be a jerk while a ghost.

Ghosts hang out in cliques with other ghosts.

Ghosts make friends with other ghosts from different eras.

If you hear a strange whisper in your ear when sleeping, it is probably a ghost.

Ghosts do not sleep.

Ghosts like to climb up and down stairs at night.

Most ghosts can't or won't hurt you.

Animals can see or sense spirits, that's why you often see them just staring intensely at what appears to be nothing.

If you are being haunted, if you simply ask them to leave, they will. Say something like "I know you are here but you are scaring me please leave."

When a ghost enters a room, the room usually gets cold.

Animal ghosts exist and have been sighted.

Ghosts who lived hundreds of years ago keep up with the trends.

Children perceive ghosts as imaginary friends.

Signs of A Haunting


People in the house are having bad dreams.

You hear footsteps, taps on the walls or voices.

Objects are mysteriously disappear only to return later.

Pets react to something others can't see. A dog might be growling at thin air or its hackles may rise. Pets may refuse to go in a particular room.

Electrical appliances and lights turn on or off by themselves. Tap water turns on or off and toilets flush of their own accord. Doors open and close with unseen hands.

Unexplained cold drafts or cold spots can be felt.

Small children talk to people who are not there.

Seeing unexplained shadows, usually out of the corner of your eye. Sometimes the shadows take on a a vaguely human shape.

Feeling as though you're being watched when no one is there.

Feelings of being touched or something brushing past - a gentle poke, push, or nudge.

Noticeable changes in temperature. Cold spots are most often reported.

Unexplained smells such as distinctive perfume or foul odors that have no explainable source.



In mirrors

On staircases

Peering out of windows.

Perched in chairs.

In hallways

The "Can You See Ghosts" Test

Do you have a unique awareness that is completely unrelated to your five senses? Do you sometimes know things, yet you cannot explain how you know them? It is said that some individuals are so exceptionally sensitive to their environment, they can perceive what most cannot-- disembodied spirits. Perhaps, you are one of these “exceptional” people. All cultures have legends, told in hushed voices, as the tellers look fearfully around. They speak of spirits who cling tenaciously to this world. They are no longer of this earth, yet they remain among the living; sadly unaware they are dead. In the “scare you to death” movie, the Sixth Sense, this was the explanation given for ghostly visitations. According to the movie, a few “gifted” individuals are capable of perceiving these ostensibly unwelcome spirits. Unfortunately, since I missed the first few minutes of the movie, Bruce’s lack of respiration came as a heart stopping revelation to me, just as it did to poor, wretched, dead Bruce Willis. Oops, sorry, I forgot, his heart had already stopped. Are you a ghost magnet such as the mendacious, beleaguered semi-heroine of Ghost, Whoopi Goldberg?

Are spirits powerless to move on because of a thirst for revenge, a desire to protect the living, or, perhaps, because of a horribly brutal death? We have no definitive answers for these questions. Sane, responsible individuals have reported encountering these displaced spirits. Eleanor Mondale (daughter of the former vice-president) insists a ghost visited her one night at the vice-president’s house (Evans & Huyghe, 2000). It is said, that Presidents Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield did not “leave the building” when their terms expired. They are still there, alarming unsuspecting guests. Why do some visitors see the illustrious former presidents and others do not? Are you one of the special people who could see Honest Abe or feel his ghostly presence? Let’s take the test and see. Hush. Wait. Did you hear that noise?

The “Can You See Ghosts” Test

1. Have you ever known the phone was going to ring before it rang?

Yes___ No___

2. Have you ever felt a sudden chill in a room, when there was no apparent reason?

Yes___ No___

3. Have you ever seen anything that could not be explained by science and logic?

Yes___ No___

4. Have you ever felt you were being watched when you were alone?

Yes___ No___

5. Have you ever had a vision or a dream that came true?

Yes___ No___

6. Have you ever had a successful session with a Ouija Board?

Yes___ No___

7. Do you have an open mind about the supernatural?

Yes___ No___

8. Would you refuse to spend the night in a “haunted” house?

Yes___ No___

9. Do you meditate?

Yes___ No___

10. Have you retained the childlike ability, simply to “accept” new experiences without distorting preconceptions?

Yes___ No___

11. Are you more likely to make decisions using your “gut feeling” than your “thinking logic?”

Yes___ No___

12. Have you ever been told that psychic ability runs in your family?

Yes___ No___

13. Do you wear black 90% (or more) of the time?

Yes___ No___

Scoring your test:

Give yourself one point for each “yes” answer. As for question “13,” I was just kidding. I wear black much of the time…but then, now that I think about it, there was that time I was alone in my 100 year-old farmhouse, and I heard… Perhaps, I will share that in the next book.

Understanding your Score:

Scores 1 – 4

Your psychic ability has not been fully developed. Perhaps, your personality is rational and pragmatic and you prefer to see “phenomena” that can be explained by logic. However, if you are interested in improving you psychic ability you can practice meditation and open yourself up to new experiences. There are on-line sites that offer information about and guidance in the fascinating world of the supernatural, which has a virtual Ouija Board. Werner Heisenberg (Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science) wrote, “… many new elementary particles may be created from the available energy and the old particles may have disappeared…” In other words, something dies and something new is created from its residual energy. Makes sense to me. Is this a possible explanation for the presence of ghosts…if, indeed, they exist? See, logic and reason…

Scores 5 – 8

You are coming along quite nicely. Your score indicates that you are open to unique experiences and you esteem an open, inquisitive mind. You may have experienced the supernatural.

Scores 9 – 12

It is certainly possible that you have psychic ability. Your score is very encouraging. You, as well as the last group, may have experienced the supernatural. It would be a pity if you did not learn more about this enthralling subject and about your innate ability. Look at the sites listed and perhaps take a ghost tour, plan a vacation to spots that are rumored to be haunted and read some scholarly books on the paranormal. Good ghost hunting!