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Shepherd College - Shepherdstown,West Virginia

Shaw Hall - Located behind Miller Hall. Behind Shaw Hall (and another dorm next to it) is the 'new' baseball field. Rumor has it there was a small cemetery there that ran along the edge of the school property and houses that back to it. There is a woman in a long white nightgown with long, curly red hair that stands at the windows at the ends of the dorm floors.... in both buildings. She just stands there, if you try to get close, she will disappear. No one knows who she is or why she would be in either dorm. The rumor was that she was buried in that cemetery and there were no sightings of her until the baseball field or both dorms were built. Somehow the construction disturbed her, for whatever reason.

Miller Hall - was a Civil War hospital and many civil war ghosts are seen, also a nursing student who was supposedly failing, hung herself in the attic (which is now locked), the staff says the attic was kept locked because the college was afraid that the students would hurt themselves on loose floorboards and/or damage the area, and as a fire problem since students would go up there and smoke.

Kenamond Hall - A ghost of a small boy messes with TV and electronic equipment. A ghost named George has been heard and seen in the basement of this building. Legend has it that he fell and hit one of the boulders that the building was built on during construction of the structure.

Gardiner Hall - a Home Coming Queen who slipped in the shower and died from a head wound. She usually walks across the football field at midnight on the anniversary of her death, but she has been seen in the third floor bathroom where she fell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The woman that supposedly haunts Shaw and Thacher Halls might have been there due to the construction of the parking lots surrounding both dorms (the baseball field included, of course). The construction might have disturbed her, hence the reason why she haunts the place. I do not believe she was a student there, but has been there since the cemetary was created. Just a thought.