
The House On Sunnyside Road, Marysville Washington

I've lived in a house that was built, maybe in the 20's. But this place. Had. Ghosts. I lived there when I was 1 - 6 years old. My neighbor was an old woman. Very nice. Her husband died in the backyard cutting down tree's in the late 80's. but I think his ghost went into the wrong house and was pissed off. I can remember, For some reason every night I would walk out to the hallway for some odd reason. And i'd look down the hallway and see a Tall black figure with big smile and big white eyes (no pupils) and a spiky looking head. Then I'd here in a disembodied voise "HEY YOU!" and then it would levitate itself forward at me and make this weird music mouth drumming sound "chi chi CHI CHi chi chi CHI CHI chi chi CHI CHI" and i would run into my room and go back into my bunk bed (nobody slept on the bottom bunk) and then i would go under my covers and "chi chi CHI CHI chi chi CHI CHI HAHAHAHA 'dunnnnn' " and then i would go into blackness for a second and then this trippy yellowish background would pop up and then the spirit would be right in front of me smiling, then i'd hear it yelling cuss words at me and it would make me scared but i couldnt do anything! So then I would wake up and I would get pushed off the top bunk and cry. My parents still don't believe me. I want ghost adventures to go there. contact me for more info.

by Carter

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