
Southern Arkansas University - Magnolia,Arkansas

This building had four floors plus an attic. It is said that two girls had died here. One had hung herself in her closet and the other fell down the elevator shaft. The shaft still exists, but the doors had been welded shut. There was a window in the attic that you could see from outside. It was almost a habit that you had to look up at the attic at night as you came in. Sometimes the light would be on, sometimes it would be off. The dorm director was the only one who was supposed to have the key, and there was very little cause for anyone to go to the attic. The odd things that happened usually occurred on the 4th floor. One girl was an RA (Resident
Assistant) on the 4th floor. As such, she had a room to herself. She
stated that one night, she was asleep when, as she put it, "You know
that sensation you get when someone else is in the room with you? You
don't have to see or hear them, but you KNOW someone else is there. "
That is the feeling she had. Her back was to the door. She said that
she felt the edge of the bed go down, as it would if someone sat on it.
She was too scared to move, scream, or do anything. After a little bit,
she felt the edge raise up, as if the individual had stood up, and then
the feeling went away. She got up and checked her door. It was still
locked. No one could have come into her room without unlocking the
door. There were several who stated that the volume of their TV or
stereo would go up and down on their own. One couple stated that they
were down the hall visiting, when all of a sudden, their stereo began
blasting away. Another said that they had a loaf of bread that was
sitting on the windowsill. For some unknown reason, it decided to move
to the middle of the floor.

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