
Rhode Island School of Design - Providence,Rhode Island

There are two spirits that reside on the fourth floor. One is a male entity
that has been known to be seen in the bathroom. He also is known for
playing with people's music selections and breaking windows. It is said
that a young man killed himself by jumping off of the balcony back in
the 70's when the hall was new. The other Homer four ghost is a woman
who has been seen in a few of the rooms. She turns on faucets in the
girls bathroom, and reportedly blood has been randomly seen there late
at night in the shower stalls. On the ground floor lounge, students
claim the VCR and Television sometimes work on their own will, and also
visible shadows move about the room. Homer two is the home of the ghost
of an old man who wanders the halls at all times of the day. An angry
entity haunts the ground floor of Nickerson Hall. When walking through
the underground passage between Homer and Nickerson, students can hear
something banging on the metal doors in one of the storage rooms. The
poltergeist has been known to move about the ground floor of Nickerson
on occasion.

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