
Records/Museum building /formerly the main structure - St. Elizabeth's Hospital,District of Columbia

A former employee reports Having worked on the grounds of St. Elizabeth's in 1987, not only did they experience strange phenomena, but many of the co-workers did as well. The original structure, now sort of a records/museum building, was the location of many violent deaths. Among these deaths are:
Civil War soldiers temporarily housed there during the war.
Victims of primitive treatments (St. E's was among first to attempt ice-pick lobotomies).

Victims of other patients.

Victims of staff mistreatment.

When combined (evidenced clearly in public records), this totals quite
a number for as small of a building as the original structure. While it
is several stories high, it is narrow. There were always stories of
staffers hearing noises from parts of the building which had long been
since abandoned. Moans and groans, along with footsteps and numerous
cold spots forced me to avoid that building at all cost. They
experienced the cold spots first hand, along with a very unsettling
Warning: St.
Elizabeth's Hospital is a functioning hospital in DC. Cameras and video
equipment are NOT allowed on the campus due to patient privacy issues.
Trespassers will be prosecuted--if they even make it past the guards.
The HI specifically lists the Records/ Museum building, or more
correctly "Center Building" as it was called. That part of the hospital
compound is controlled by the Federal government---specifically the
Department of Homeland Security and the Secret Service. A member of the
National Historic Preservation Society reports they were scheduled to
go on a field trip to see Center Building and other historic structures
on that part of the campus. At the last minute, the tour was cancelled
by the Department of Homeland Security due to "nation security
reasons". So it will be a very, very, very BAD idea for anyone to
trespass on that site.

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