
Old Caryville Church and School House - Caryville,Wisconsin

About thirty years ago, investors were going to tear down this old church and build a new one. The priest got rather upset over the notion and hanged himself in the bell tower. Since his death, many creepy things have happened. There was also was a little boy that went to school there and mysteriously died. If you sit at the desk that he died in, you will feel a really weird rush as if something is passing through your body.

1 comment:

  1. I would just like to say that I always went to vacation bible school at spring brook church and my grandma had a key since she lived so close...I would like to say that my sisters, cousins and many friends would play in the school house and church. I have sat in every seat in that school house and we would all play school and nothing ever happened!!! No weird feeling!!! Also the stories about the paster is not true so many of the "facts" are not possible and if you would sit thru a service you could see all of this!! Its to bad that ppl like you would do this and ruin a beautiful place because you want something to be true that is not and just make crap up and then what happens?? now we have kids going there and painting on the doors and ruining the place!! I'm not saying I don't believe in this sort of thing...I lived in a haunted house and saw with my own eyes a man walking into my room... could feel him lay in my bed...and plenty of ppl died in that house. Just wanted to let you know about the church and you have things soooo wrong and I hope everyone who goes there does get arrested or shot by the many ppl watching the place!!
