
Nettleton High School Gym/ Band room - Jonesboro ,Arkansas

The band keeps their instruments in a room under the bleachers. One day, three friends were putting their instruments up. It was too early in the morning for anyone to be out in the gym. It was supposed to be locked, and the janitor had finished cleaning. When they put up the instruments, they
heard a blood-curdling scream. They ran from the band room to the gym.
It was locked. Nothing could get in, unless it was something hard to
explain. They ran back to the band room. At first, the trio was
skeptical, because it was the day before the band Halloween party and
they thought that it was a prank. They went back to their instruments.
Then again, they heard the screaming. Except, it sounding like someone
was yelling for someone or something to quit. The three ran from the
band room, leaving the instruments behind. From that day you can still
hear the yelling if you are there quite early in the morning, standing
in the Nettleton High Band Room.
One night after a band party, a group of band members decided to run around in the gym. It was pretty late, and almost everyone had gone home. The group had split-up and decided to go up to the cheerleading room.There
they found that the room was extremely cold, and for some odd reason
they couldn't find the light switch. After leaving the cheerleading
room, they heard screams and ran down the stairs where the screams came
from. Now these weren't any ordinary screams. They were the kind of
screams that you would only hear if someone was being stabbed or hurt.
There was no explanation for the screams, because no one else was there
at the time. The whole group got to the bottom of the stairs to find
leaves falling from the ceiling of the gym, as if it were a tree. One
of the girls in the group saw the shadow of what looked like a football
player. They all tho ught that this was a joke, until they heard a door
slam and then saw another door swinging.

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