
Mitchellace / 830 Murray - Portsmouth,Ohio

It is said that two brothers owned this building, formerly a shoe company. They went bankrupt and the one brother jumped to his death from a window on the fifth floor. Also rumors say it could have been the elevator shaft he
jumped down. His brother was so devastated having lost his brother that
he, in turn, killed himself. The 2 stories circulating are he threw
himself off the roof, or jumped on the tracks in front of a train,
which runs right next to the building. It is rumored that you can hear
screams on the 5th floor and a breeze blowing, sometimes you might even
see or feel the presence of a ghost. They don't have anyone work
directly on the fifth floor anymore because people will not stay. One
woman working there refuses to go past the third floor. It's definitely
a scary place.

1 comment:

  1. This story is false.
