
Black Horse Inn - Flourtown,Pennsylvania

Sitting along Bethlehem Pike in Flourtown is an old building called the Black Horse Inn. The building was built 30 years before the formation of our country.General George Washington used it as a rest stop for his men on their way to Valley Forge. When you go inside the building the temperature is like walking into a freezer, even when it was 90 degrees outside. Witnesses have heard footsteps behind them and up on the second floor. In the main bar room there were voices from nowhere and they report it felt as though people surrounded them. On the second floor and the
attic it is deserted of any furniture except one room where there is
this old bed spring, a 1920's era toilet and a shower head. a picture
was taken in there and it came out with a 12 year old girl in 1930's
era clothing sitting on the bed looking at the floor. And a picture of
the door and picked up a man standing in the doorway. Other pictures
show countless orbs.

1 comment:

  1. This is total horseshit. The building has been completely rehabbed, with heating and air conditioning. George Washington never stopped in this building. It's fun to play ghost, but history matters.
