
Union Cemetery - Hackettstown,New Jersey

Young girl walks the roadway heading towards up-town, in front of the
cemetery. She is dressed in white. When you offer her a ride she will
not speak but get in and disappear by the time you get to the main part
of town. No one knows who she is or where she is trying to go.

1 comment:

  1. I Know of her. Four of us had seen her walking around the cemetery at night, in a long white dress, and it looked like he had flowers in her hands. At first, we thought it was some crazy lady, walking around the cemetery at night, or maybe a stone rubber, because some people do that, but we noticed she had a translucent look, and we couldn't explain that, until we read a story about the union cemetery ghost. Then we realized, it must have been the ghost that we saw that night. Now I wished we stopped the car that night, just to see what would've happened. K. F.
