
Long Rd. / Devil's Tree - Bernardsville,New Jersey

Turn onto Long Rd, (which is really short) then make a left at the end, you will come upon a highly wooded area and then it just opens up into a field. At the end of the field there is a huge hideous looking tree with a branch that extends perfectly parallel to the ground. It is said that the tree was used to hang slaves on and still has a chilling aura to it. You can see marks on the trunk from people attempting to chop it down, they say whoever tries, something bad happens to and sometimes a pickup truck will try to chase you out. In the Summer that tree is in full bloom and actually quite lovely. In the Winter or Fall however, it is creepy looking. The axe marks on the tree are from years of kids hearing the legend of the tree and what would happen if you tried to cut it down. Supposedly if you try to cut it down the devil in a black pick up truck will come and chase you away, once you drive down the road a bit the truck just vanishes. It's an Urban Legend that gets featured in Weird NJ magazine all the time.

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