
Hutch - Bell County,Kentucky

there is a small area off the main highwa called
Hutch. In this small community there is a local swimming hole called
"Devil's Garden". Before it earned this name, a small group of partying
teenagers were swimming one summer night. After partying too much, one
of the kids slipped and hit his head on a rock in the shallows. Not
thinking straight, the other kids decided to hide the body under water,
tied to a rock. The next day, the kids went to see if the night before
had really happened. They arrived to find that the local authorities
had already arrived and discovered the body. To their surprise, their
friend had drowned and not died of the fall. They lived with their
secret for over 15 years until they each started disappearing
mysteriously, and the remaining two confessed and were sentenced to ten
years in prison. Now every full moon, the moon's reflection casts a
skull like image on the water's surface.

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