
Boys and Girls Club - Santa Fe, New Mexico

Basketball, music, and group activities aren’t the only things you’ll find at the Boys and Girls Club of Santa Fe, New Mexico. It seems that the promise of a safe, caring, and positive place for kids is enough to keep some around for eternity.

Many of the stories told about this specific Boys and Girls Club seem to center around the bathrooms. The ghost in the area tends to be a prankster, tapping on your shoulder when your friend is in the stall. Paper towel rolls have been tossed around when no one else is in the restroom. Dark specters have been seen crossing the bathroom, slamming doors on their rapid trip to nowhere. Others have heard disembodied voices and the shower turns off and on by itself.

There has been enough activity throughout the building that some people recommend that visitors try their hand at EVP recording. EVP, or Electronic Voice Phenomenon Recordings were caught accidentally by two girls messing around with a tape recorder. When playing the tape back, the ladies distinctly heard a male voice say, “I love you.” Twice. Perhaps this ghost had an issue saying those three little words in real life and now has to practice for eternity…

What is the background story of this place? No one knows. There is no legend commonly known about the Santa Fe Boys and Girls Club to explain a man’s gruff voice proclaiming love or any plausible reason a mischievous spirit would hang out in the restrooms and showers. No murders, no traumas—just lots of the standard teen angst and energy. Often that seems like enough of an attractive force to cause things to manifest.

If one is to believe the sightings of a floating candle in the building, then logic says that the haunting would precede the building’s modern construction, but what does logic have to do with the ghostly realm?

With the success of EVPs in the building, someone could always ask…

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