
Berry’s Chapel - Quinton/Bridgeton,New Jersey

The true story of Berry’s' Chapel is, Berry was a black pastor hung by the KKK. The chapel was built back in the Civil war days. It burned down in the early sixties. The grave yard was starting to get desecrated from local kids parting in the area, and skulls started appearing in trees by the main party spot.. It was then the county moved all the bodies to the graveyard surrounding the ancient oak tree near the Salem City public library. The area is blocked off now and you can't drive back there. The Chapel was just in the paper again this week (05-27-02) as they were again cleaning up the area from those lame people who feel they have to dump all their trash back there. What was always odd is how nothing would ever grow on Berry’s' grave. No grass, no weeds, no bushes, nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I've been back there. Some pretty scary stuff went on. My friend and I lasted a half hour before we got freaked out and left.
