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Devil's Footprint - Manchester,Maine

Construction people working on road, rock would not move, Man climbed onto rock and said "I will give my soul to the devil if only this rock will move." Next day, Rock was moved, guy was gone. Imprint of Devil's Footprint and Man's footprints.
Try to chisel it away but it returns.

The Devil's Footprint in Manchester, Maine is not officially considered to be haunted, but there are some people who believe that it is. There have been reports of paranormal activity in the area around the footprint, including sightings of ghosts, orbs of light, and strange noises.

One of the most common reports is that of a woman in white who is seen walking near the footprint. The woman is said to be the ghost of a young woman who was killed by the devil. She is said to be searching for her soul, which was taken by the devil.

Another common report is that of orbs of light that are seen floating around the footprint. The orbs are said to be the spirits of people who have died in the area. They are said to be trying to communicate with the living.

There have also been reports of strange noises coming from the area around the footprint. These noises are said to be the sounds of the devil and his demons. They are said to be trying to scare away people who come to see the footprint.

It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the claims of paranormal activity at the Devil's Footprint. However, the reports of paranormal activity continue to persist. Whether or not the Devil's Footprint is actually haunted is up for debate.

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